7 Reasons Why Dealer Groups Must Provide a Managed CRM Solution
Compliance is always a polarising word in the financial advice world. Many Advisers are lamenting the associated costs; regulators are...

Setting Goals + KPI's in Financial Advice businesses
We’ve heard experts for years trot out the SMART Key Performance Indicator metrics – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and...

FASEA proposes 'professional year'
As you may well be aware, the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority this week announced its draft guidance on the professional...

FREE CODE: Create an Email Template in XPLAN
Watch the attached Video for some tips on creating an Email Template in XPLAN Here is the FREE code: <table bgcolor="#ffffff"...

The Power of Networking - an introverts perspective
Networking is a powerful tool for all business people and professionals. Taking a small-business-focus, utilising your existing networks...

Why a Gap Analysis should be your next step towards success
We tell our clients to do a financial health check, we tell them to do an insurance check, we tell them to do a mortgage check, we tell...

Fields on Client Focus Title
Frequently Asked Questions: Today I was asked how to add fields to the client name at the top of the XPLAN page. Fields such as: *...

XPLAN Google Map Integration
Frequently Asked Questions Google Maps and Setting up API Key View Client Address with Google Maps You can view client addresses via...

Why you need an Expert
I remember reading an article on climate change a little while ago, and the article was discussing why expert knowledge is necessary. The...